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Handling & Tracking

AGV Warehouse Application

Medium High Application Complexity

Soft Control developed the PLC software for the Apple Computer Automated Warehouse Storage facility in Ireland.

The system was responsible for handling and tracking of pallets of components which encompassed Automated Guided Vehicles, Conveyors, Lifts, Elevators and a 3 Aisle Automated Crane Storage Facility.

Tracking of the components, identification, real time location and full fault reporting was required of the system together with communication with the Warehouse Mainframe Computer System.

We were able to provide all of the PLC software on this project to Apple’s unique requirements on time and our systems proved reliable in operation.

Supported PLCs

Dockside Crane

Medium High Application Complexity

The requirement of the customer was to develop a solution for the automated handling of containers between ship and shore. We were involved with the real time monitoring of the natural movement of a container whilst being moved between ship and shore.

Analogue Strain Gauges were attached to each of the container support cables – from these units we were able to determine the magnitude and direction of the container swing. The PLC used high speed analogue inputs and a PID algorithm to determine in real time, the corrective forces necessary to dampen the behaviour of the container. The PLC calculations were transmitted via a high speed analogue output to hydraulic proportional valves.

Supported PLCs

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